Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tutorials - Service Oriented Architecture

Every week, I will be providing links to the tutorials which I feel would be a good introduction to the SOA world.

Title - Service Oriented Architecture

Description -

This article gives a good overview of what SOA is all about.

• SOA Definitions
• Why SOA

• SOA Principles

• Service Orientated Design and Development

• SOA and Web Service Protocols

• SOA, Web 2.0 and mashups

• SOA 2.0 or Advanced SOA

• What are the Challenges faced in SOA Adoption

• Criticisms of SOA

• SOA and Business Architecture

• Jargon

• Literature

• References 
This tutorials sections is not just going to be based on wiki's, but will be based out many important tutorial sites, my documents, and others.
Happy Learning !!!

Do you know about SWE Log ?


Some of the issues like Symbolic URL or issues related to the portals, SWSE, Web server issues cannot be debugged using the regular log files. For this reason, Siebel provides the ability to enable SWE Log.

To enable the SWE log file

1. Open your application’s configuration file, for example uagent.cfg.

    Configuration files are located in the siebsrvr_root\BIN\language_code.

2. Under the [SWE] heading in the .cfg file, add the following parameter:

    EnableSWELog = TRUE
3. To change the log directory include the parameter  - 'LogDirectory' in the [SWE] section
4. Restart the object manager to allow this new parameter to take effect.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

How find Source of Emails Sent from Siebel

How find Source of Emails Sent from Siebel

During Siebel development, we have many development environments like DEV, QA, BUILD, and PRODUCTION. And we may get mails or end-users may get mails from Siebel, but we don’t know which the originating environment is. Hence, it takes time to debug and find the source of emails.


The emails are sent by the server component – Outbound Communication Manager. Outbound Communication Manager Business service inserts records with parameters in two tables – S_SRM_ACTION and S_SRM_DATA. The action name is stored in S_SRM_ACTION. S_SRM_DATA stores the various parts of the mail like TO, CC, BCC, MESSAGE BODY, and SUBJECT in the DATA_VAL column. We can quickly run the below sqls in various environments to find the SOURCE.


Let’s say our email contains string like this – “An Service Request is updated in Siebel Call Center and you may need to take action on it.”

1. Connect to database and run the below query -

SELECT * FROM SIEBEL.S_SRM_DATA WHERE DATA_VAL LIKE %An Service Request is updated in Siebel Call Center and you may need to take action on it% ORDER BY CREATED DESC

Take the PAR_ID of one record.

2. Take the PAR_ID of the one record from above query result and run the below query -


The output of query will completely describe your message. You can query in the S_SRM_ACTION with row_id = PAR_ID, and you can get the action corresponding to it.